Own Your Power – Online Course

  The OWN YOUR POWER PROGRAM will return in Autumn 2021. Register your interest here for updates when released.  Time: 7 pm –  8 pm GMT Course format: Live Online via ZOOM  Are you suffering from impostor syndrome? Do haunting doubts and low self-belief hold you back from claiming your place and everything that […]

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My COVID-19 Detox

There is another pandemic that is also infecting a global society. It’s the birth child of COVID-19’s and is running riot in everyone’s system. This pandemic is the stress and fear virus and last week I became infected by same. Like millions of others, I went into fight or flight mode, flipping out in […]

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The Heartbreak & Healing in Soul Emerging

Sometimes to do what’s right is like taking the sharpest knife and slowly etching through your heart, tearing it wide open. The pain is excruciating, deep, and shocks through your whole body. Some call you crazy for stepping outside the lines, but your soul whispers a deeper truth. Beneath the consequential story you have […]

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Who Are the Indigo Children?

There are many traits that distinguish an indigo child which I go into with detail below, but to give you a distinct idea think Greta Thunberg. It is believed that the Indigo Children began to arrive on our planet in the 1970’s and continued to do so right up to the noughties. These incarnate […]

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