In support of your emotional and mental well-being, I would like to share news of upcoming events designed to support you as you develop your best self. Firstly, I am delighted to share news of my Mindfulness Meditation Classes commencing later this month. Research has proven many times over that having a regular Mindfulness […]
Continue readingTag Archives: coaching
Coaching & Mindful Walking Session
Powerful Coaching Session deep in #Tomnafinnoge Woods, Tinahely, Co Wicklow today. Taking steps to the heart of what matters If you are seeking A change in career direction To establish business goals A deeper connection with self and what drives your fulfillment To de-stress and find your inner-calm Other reasons why clients book their […]
Continue readingHow to Strengthen Your Weaknesses by using your Strengths
Everyone on the planet has both strengths and weaknesses. We know that one of the most progressive ways to success and happiness is to harness our strengths. For example, one of my greatest strengths is empathy. As a coach, empathy improves my listening skills and the ability to understand my client and have a […]
Continue readingCoaching and Overwhelm – How coaching helped my client overcome self doubt.
Coaching and Overwhelm – How coaching helped my client overcome self doubt. “Hilary, last week’s coaching session was powerful. For the first time in years, I have had a great week. I seriously considered attending a doctor and seeking medication before last weeks session, and now I know that I don’t need medication, I […]
Continue readingProtected: 5 STEPS TO TRANSFORMATION
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Continue reading6 Top Tips to Reach Your Goals in 2020
In this article I share easy tips to ensure that you:
Continue to move forward when things get tough
Create the best version of you and take your life to the next level.
How to help your anxious child learn to fly high.
If you have a child who suffers with anxiety here is a blog that may help him/her come out the other side, in their power and flying high. Like a lot of parents, one of my beautiful daughter’s is hit with bouts of anxiety from time to time. Naturally enough, she is the most […]
Continue readingHow You Rise
I’m 45 years old and one thing that I have learned about this life (among many) is that it will kick you in the teeth again and again. People will judge you and say unkind words behind your back. Some will tell lies and manipulate what you did or what you said. And some […]
Continue readingFacing Fear on this Roller Coaster called Life
When it comes to fears, we all have them. Plus the voice of fear will speak first and loudest, it’s our brains way of keeping us safe. But most of the time we need to manage that flight, fight or freeze syndrome to the point that fear knows it’s o.k to take a back […]
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