Join us for a day of mindfulness and spirituality. This workshop is an opportunity to reconnect with the Self, nurture self-care, and be in the present moment in the majestic surroundings of Ireland’s ancient east.
Creating space to cultivate self-care and nurture the connection to the Self are rich resources for holistic well-being. This experiential workshop brings the opportunity to return home to the fullness of Self through evidence-based mindfulness skills and spiritual practices that support grounding in optimum wellbeing.
The invitation is to reconnect, restore and realign with the most important relationship you will ever have – The relationship with Self.
The invitations throughout this day are:
- Allow Mother Nature to hold and inspire you, offering space to cultivate awareness of present moment experience.
- Reconnect with the Self through evidence-based mindfulness practices.
- Cultivate sustained clarity and well-being through ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Training).
- Deepen your skills to notice habitual reactions to stress and develop skilful responses to stress grounded in present-moment awareness.
- Rest in the space to reflect, reconnect and align with what is most important to you.
- Connect, share and resource with a community of like minds.
Venue: North County Wexford, Ireland (Venue TBC shortly)
Date: Saturday, 3rd February 2024
Time: 10 am – 5 pm
What to bring:
Yoga Mat, cushion and blanket.
Weatherproof outdoor wear, warm clothing and walking shoes,
Journal and pen.
Plenty of Water
An open mind and curious heart.
€125 includes a 2-course vegetarian lunch & refreshments.
- Tea/coffee and refreshments on arrival and lunchtime.
- 2 Course Vegetarian Lunch (Please state dietary requirements when booking your place.)
About your facilitator:
Hilary Connor is a Mindfulness Teacher, Well-being Coach and Author. She has held private practice for over twenty years in County Wexford. Although her work is deeply grounded in spirituality, she enjoys the practical and grounding nature interwoven through mindfulness psychology. Hilary regularly works with the Dept of Education, Health Service Executive and County Councils, facilitating mindfulness-based programs to reduce stress and increase well-being.

Hilary completed an MSc in Mindfulness Based Well-being and an H. Dip in Coaching/Coaching Psychology with first-class honours from UCC. She is a member of the Mindfulness Teachers Association of Ireland (MTAI) and the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC).